Mon-Sat (10am-6pm)
Mon-Sat (10am-6pm)

Why Study In Canada

Diverse Learning landscape

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and less than 44 at the time of Visa Application.

Academic Excellence And Research

Applicants must have university degree for most occupations that are in demand.

Your Gateway To Success

Applicants must have at least one year of relevant work experience.

Craft Yiur Unique Pathway

Applicants need to score at least 6 in each component of IELTS test.

Education In Canada

A Holistic View:

UK universities operate under a merit-driven admissions approach. Students aiming for higher education should exhibit academic competence, often requiring a minimum of 60 percent in each subject. Given the global competition, universities attract applications from diverse corners of the world, including Zarnab International. Preference is often extended to candidates with exceptional grades, a factor that significantly influences admission prospects.

Your Gateway to the UK:

Zarnab International students, securing an Australian Student Visa necessitates an acceptance letter from the desired UK university. Detailed guidelines are accessible through the UK governments immigration portal or the nearest British consulate. Though the journey to the UK requires meticulous planning, the opportunities that await are worth the effort.

A Holistic View:

UK universities operate under a merit-driven admissions approach. Students aiming for higher education should exhibit academic competence, often requiring a minimum of 60 percent in each subject. Given the global competition, universities attract applications from diverse corners of the world, including Zarnab International. Preference is often extended to candidates with exceptional grades, a factor that significantly influences admission prospects.

Your Gateway to the UK:

Zarnab International students, securing an Australian Student Visa necessitates an acceptance letter from the desired UK university. Detailed guidelines are accessible through the UK governments immigration portal or the nearest British consulate. Though the journey to the UK requires meticulous planning, the opportunities that await are worth the effort.

Most Asked Question

Is there a 14-days trial?

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Top Universities in Canada


University Of Toronto


MCGILL University


University of British Columbia


University of Alberta